There's an interesting article on the BBC site that discusses gender and game play.
It investigates attitiudes of female gamers ans how the games industry
can attract the fairer sex to playing with range of consoles that are
avilable. The EA/Futurelab research published this week found that 40%
of teenage girls play computer games but that they generally lose
interest after a year. It is argued that girls/women are more attracted
to social based games such as The Sims and to the quirky Nintendo style
games. One thing that really seems to grate with them is the attempts
to attract females by making the consoles pink!
'We don't want pink!" they cry, "we want interest and challenge!!!"
Some nice feedback from respondents to this article at the link.
Mmmm, the world is a crazy place, all the old truths are slowly but surely being destroyed. I still like blue though...
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