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July 15, 2013


John Johnston

Hi Derek,
It has been a pleasure to follow your consolarium adventures, you certainly did some moving and shaking that vibrated through Scotland and beyond.
Looking forward to read about the next stage.

Lorraine Munro

You have definitely left your mark on Gaming/Learning in Scotland.
Best of luck in your new endeavours Derek.
New challenges are what makes us grow as individuals.
Looking forward to reading about your new adventures.
Enjoy your last day.

Derek Robertson

Thank you John. My adventure was amazing...I met so many people that I used to read about and share their experience with my students - including you and your stuff at Sandaig. Used to tell them that that was something to aspire to. Then I got the chance to meet you and loads of other folks from BECTA, Futurelab, Stephen Heppell, Marc Prensky etc etc...It was such an exciting time!

Hope to get things back on track now that I am able to get blogging again and am free to share my thoughts and engage with the wider educational debate - free from any work related constraints :)

Derek Robertson

Thank you Lorraine. I will try to enjoy my last day :) Will see how many cups of tea I can eek out from my tea fund contribution. Great to work with you and Gerry too for that matter. All the best in your new post too :)

Vicky MacKenzie

Good luck, Derek. It was a pleasure working with you, you are a true inspiration.

Dughall McCormick

Thank you.
The work of you and your colleagues has inspired me to promote GBL and evangelise far and wide on the key messages from the fantastic Consolarium.
I wish you well!

Derek Robertson

Thank you Vicky. It was great to have you speaking at one of the Game Based Learning conferences at London and to see you win that class set of Nintendo DS at SLF 08 was it? You were red hot in the x20 race :)

Derek Robertson

Thank you Dughall. Very kind of you to say that and it was great to meet you and the whole Bradford team, in London down at the train station at midnight in particular!

Iain Hallahan

Inspirational stuff from you and the Consolarium team Derek, you'll be leaving some big shoes to fill! Having said that, I'm already looking forward to seeing what you get up to back at Dundee. Exciting times.

Joe McLuckie

Jeesy Peeps Derek.
First Ive heard about your move back.
Do you want me to come out of retiral sos we can continue the fun?
Must say I was pleased that this is happening. Should be good for both the uni and your good self.
Must meet up down Perth road, but no this weak, as am away to Jura and Islay.
Awe ra best,


Good luck back at Uni, Derek. Looking forward to hearing more about your research and work there. Thank you for all your help and support, Consolarium will not be the same now.


Julie Johnson

Your work has had a lasting impact outside of Scotland too! I still remember the seismic shift that happened in my brain when I stumbled upon a Scottish teacher's blogging account of using Mario Kart in the classroom...and that in turn led me to the Consolarium, which truly blew my mind! What a revelation! Reading about your use of GBL inspired me to initiate my own GBL research and classroom implementations here in Canada.

Sorry to hear the Consolarium had closed....I still mention it in conversation with educators as an idea of What Is Possible.

Best wishes to your future endeavors! .


Julie Johnson, Ontario Canada

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